Part I - Waiting to be Seen
The performance focuses on the masks that a person covers herself until present the essence of the truth. And also focuses on the pain of appearing as her own self. A person who is waiting to be seen not to be viewed.
Searching for the will of manifesting her essence. Someone who plays hide and seek with her own self.
Artist wears all in white and during the performance she keeps herself leaning against the wall and swivels from right to left, bottom to top on the wall. She rolls and rubs her body while she is exhibiting her motion which is surrounded with a wall colored the same as she wears.
Part II - Mask
'Mask' aims to turn a person's way to see the self passivity, the way the society sees the person, the glances, the stranger and the face into a performance as an eternal hide and seek of the person's manifest.
The main context lies in the ways of being seen or unseen in different cultures. Those cultural starting points begin from the ancient theatre to the contemporary Islamic culture.
The artist uses a white veil that covers the face and leaves the rest of the body naked. During the performance, the white veil leaves its place to face and the nudity turns into clothes, veiling or costume. We can expect different appearances from the body that leaves itself to the frequency of changing.
Part III - Mirror
I added Mirror as a third stage to the end of this two-stage performance because understanding of ‘if I am the one you look at, you are what you see’ is the perfect ending for this trilogy.